Friday, December 8, 2006

Not That This Will Make a Difference...

since hardly anybody reads this blog anyway...but go to the Hunger Site and click the yellow button. Then go to Jenny at Mama Drama's post about the Hunger Site and leave her a comment saying that you clicked the yellow button. Jenny usually gets a ton of comments on all her posts (because they're HILARIOUS so bookmark her, too!), but she's never gotten a hundred and if she does hit that milestone on the Hunger Site post by Saturday, it'll make for another outrageous post. Thanks!


  1. You are *totally* the best. Seriously. I adore you.

  2. i bought a houston roller derby calendar! yee-haw!!

  3. THANKS! They are pretty sweet, and not just because my scary faces are all over it. Now you have to be a good derby groupie and get all our autographs. :)
